Delphi 6 安裝FastReport 4.9.82 Enterprise Edition Team

(1) 執行光碟片 FastReport 4 Enterprise Edition Team license 4.9.82 目錄下的fr_team4_9_82_d6e.exe 檔案

(2) 安裝時的選項

(3) 因中文及日後要使用Delphi2010的相容需修改
C:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReport 4\Source 目錄下3 個檔案
frxClass.pas 、 frxUnicodeUtils.pas、 frxXML.pas
及C:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReport 4\Res\frcc.exe 檔案
請使用附件一直接覆蓋過去 , 修改的內容可參照附件二i
(4) 重新編譯 FastReport 執行Recompile Wizard 如圖,

(5) 將FastReport安裝進Delphi6
Step 1. Copy runtime packages to System folder
- close Delphi
- copy \LibD6\fs6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\fsDB6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\fsBDE6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\fsADO6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\fsIBX6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\fsTee6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\frx6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\frxDB6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\frxBDE6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\frxADO6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\frxIBX6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\frxDBX6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\frxTee6.bpl file to Windows\System32
- copy \LibD6\frxe6.bpl file to Windows\System32
Step 2. Install packages如圖
- in the Delphi IDE, select "Component|Install Packages..." menu item
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfs6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfsDB6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfsBDE6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfsADO6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfsIBX6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfsTee6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfrx6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfrxDB6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfrxBDE6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfrxADO6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfrxIBX6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfrxDBX6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfrxTee6.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select \Lib\dclfrxe6.bpl file
Step 3. Add paths to library path 如圖
- in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu item
- go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
- add path to "C:\Program Files\FastReports 4\LibD6" folder

    Delphi 6 安裝FastReport 4.9.82

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